Between Takes

Between Takes

An Enemies-to-Lovers Movie Star Romance



✓ An actor who needs a babysitter

✓ An assistant who’s out of their depth

✓ A workplace romance

✓ and off the charts chemistry

“So I’m clear: you want me to babysit an off-the-rails actor for six months?”

When life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

Or, at least, that's what I'm telling myself.

My family moved, my ex took my friends when he left, and my job is suddenly uninspiring. There's a silver lining in here somewhere, I'm sure...

It comes, eventually, in a strange package; a last-minute job that's slightly outside my comfort zone, a long way away. Dealing with a movie star can't be that hard, can it?

He's hot, of course. And a mess, no doubt. Hates me and wants to be left to self-destruct alone, apparently. But it's my job to turn it around, turn him around and when I find myself falling for more than just the job, it gets tricky.

The lights are better here, more magical, and I'm not sure if it's his lack of charm or the prospects for the future but I can almost taste that lemonade... or can I?

Between Takes is a slow burn steamy enemies-to-lovers, boss-assistant romance. It is the first book in the Kings of Screen series. If you enjoy irresistible damaged heroes and take no-nonsense heroines caught in a workplace romance, you'll love Between Takes.

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“What did you say your name was?”

This close, I had to tip my head back to meet his eyes. I wasn’t short by any stretch of the imagination, but he made me feel tiny and vulnerable. Not a thing I’d ever wanted from a man. And I wouldn’t start wanting it now.


“Fine, Mona. It looks like you’re my PA.” He sipped the coffee, pulling a face when it hit his tongue. I hated lukewarm coffee too.

He lowered the cup and fixed me with a glower meant to make me sink into the dirt, I’m sure.

“Ground rules: Stay out of my way and we’ll be fine. Take my calls. Your number one job is to keep the producers and my agent away from me. Clear?”

Not bothering to wait for a reply, he turned around and walked back to his trailer. I followed him, disbelief and outrage warring for control of my mouth. Outrage won.

“No dice. I’ll do my job.” My firm tone caused him to spin around, a quirked eyebrow raised. “I’ll keep you on track and that includes keeping you out of a bottle and attending creative meetings with the producers who took a massive gamble on your falling star. My job is to get you through this show in one piece and make sure you’re still hireable.”

“Now, wait—” he started, but I raised my hand, cutting him off. His mouth hung open in shock.

“You may not like me. Or the situation,” I continued, raising my voice to discourage any more interruptions. “But I’m what you’ve got. It’s me or a huge fee when you fail to complete this show and maybe the end of your career as you know it. You have no choices left.”

His lips flatlined as my meaning sank in. If he didn’t get his act together soon, he could kiss his A-list status, and all the perks that came with it, goodbye. If he fucked up this show, he’d be too much of a liability for any of the big studios or production companies to take the risk.

With my speech done and my position clear, I waited. And waited some more. He observed me. His hard gaze bore into me, searching for a crack. I didn’t so much as flinch.

“Fine. It’s you. Now do your job and leave me the fuck alone.” Shaun spun on his heels and bounced up the steps.

The door swung shut behind him again.

Oh no, he didn’t.

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Morgana Bevan British celebrity romance author

Meet Morgana

Morgana Bevan is a sucker for a rock star romance, particularly if it involves a soul-destroying breakup or strangers waking up in Vegas. She’s a contemporary romance author based in Wales. When Morgana’s not writing steamy celebrity romances with gorgeous British rock stars and movie stars, she’s travelling the world, searching for inspiration.

She enjoys travelling, attending gigs, and trying out the extreme activities she forces on her characters